FLANC thanks you for your interest in supporting our K-16 World Language and Dual Language/Immersion educators. This collaboration allows our organization to provide quality professional development and quality resources for our FLANC members. We have three opportunities for your support consideration!
1 - FLANC Fall Conference
The FLANC Fall Conference is the main event for our organization. It is a two-day weekend conference event (normally in October) with pre-conference workshops and webinars. This is the only event where we invite exhibitors and offer opportunities for event sponsorships. The conference is open to members and non-members. If the header is highlighted it means that registration is now available.
2 - Best of FLANC Spring Conference
The Best of FLANC Spring Conference is a one-day event that is held in a different part of the state from the previous Fall conference. The presenters are those individuals that are evaluated by the Fall conference attendees as the best presenters. The Spring conference sessions are also intentionally scheduled to have sessions that are 50% Traditional World Language and 50% Dual Language/Immersion focused. In addition, FLANC organizes DL/I site visits on the Friday preceding the Saturday conference. The venue for Spring is not large enough to accommodate exhibitors. However FLANC welcomes sponsorships to support and keep costs down for attendees. If the header is highlighted it means that sponsorship registration is now available.
3 - Supporting Organization Program
FLANC appreciates the annual support of organizations to assist in meeting FLANC's goals for its membership. The annual Supporting Organization Program runs from December 1 through November 30 of the following year. The following describes the program for our supporting organizations:
Recognition at Spring and Fall conferences in exhibit hall posters, on web page and in digital conference programs as well as Conference Event Page/App as a Supporting Member with logo and web page URL
1/4 page ads in Spring and Fall Conference digital programs as a supporting organization (if an organization signs on after the Spring conference - we will contact you ad size for Fall)
Recognition as Supporting Organization on FLANC web page and new Member Hub space in FLANC CMS software which can be accessed by members through web page or member plus app.
Advance exhibit space registration for annual Fall conference several weeks ahead of general call.
Annual cost for the Supporting Organization is $500. If you are interested in participating in this program please complete the application below.
Supporting Organization Application link
Questions? Please contact the FLANC Executive Director at: executive.director@flanc. org