"Promoting and Serving the World Language-Learning Community"
Foreign Language Association of North Carolina
It is the mission of the Foreign Language Association of North Carolina to promote opportunities for all students from kindergarten through post graduate studies to develop a high level of competence in at least one language in addition to their own; to provide leadership, support and service to those committed to language learning; and to coordinate the efforts of all those involved in education to make language learning in programs of excellence a reality for all.
Founded in 1967, the Foreign Language Association of North Carolina has developed into one of the largest and most active state language associations in the country. With over 900 members, FLANC represents the professional interest of educators and administrators from the elementary grades through the university level.
In order to accomplish the mission, FLANC’s has set the following goals:
Improve public awareness and support of foreign language learning.
Facilitate cooperation among organizations directly concerned with language learning.
Facilitate communication among teachers, educators, parents, program administrators and policy makers.
Disseminate information and guidelines to assist in achieving programs of a high standard of excellence.
Advocate language learning experiences for all students regardless of race, ethnic origin, socio-economic status, home language and future economic goals.
Encourage the development of programs that allow children to begin language learning in kindergarten and continue the language in a long, well-articulated sequence of carefully developed curriculum that provides a multicultural, multilingual perspective for every student.
FLANC takes turns in co-sponsoring the Southern Conference on Language Teaching (www.scolt.net) and provides funding for ACTFL, JNCL, NNELL and Project C.A.F.E.
FLANC is an organization dedicated to the world language/dual language immersion teachers of North Carolina and strives to provide a beneficial annual fall conference dealing with national and state world language issues, as well as provide practical classroom tips. In the spring, educators can participate in FLANC's Spring Conference. Mini grants are provided to members to help with classroom projects.