Tech Resources
This information is compiled by member(s) of the FLANC Advisory Board and is being shared statewide to support classroom pedagogy of World Language educators, K-20, through the use of technology. Feel free to share it with others.
Note: The links below are to support ease of access to opportunities, professional development, and resources for World Language educators and students. Some links will take you to third party websites. FLANC does not endorse and makes no warranties, representations or undertakings relating to the content of third party websites.
Guidance & How-To for Transitioning to Remote Teaching
How to Move Online in a Hurry - Recorded webinar on 3/20/20 from ACTFL's Distance Learning Special Interest Group (SIG)
How to Teach Remotely with a Google Slides Hyperdoc - 10-minute YouTube video that shows teachers how to set up a lesson during virtual teaching
NFLRC Series: Selecting and Adapting Materials for Online Language Learning and Teaching - Archived materials from Fall 2019 course broadcasts, which focus on selecting and adapting materials for online language learning and teaching from the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) at the University of Hawai‘i
Pandemic Prepping in the Language Class - IALLT slides and broadcast recording about the transition to online language learning
Teaching Remotely in Times of Need - Overview of how to move to teaching online
Webinar Series on Transitioning from F2F to Remote Teaching - Available for free and led by two Spanish professors
Insight & Reflection - Articles
5-step Guide to Making Instructional Videos - Edutopia article about replacing lectures with self-made videos that boost student engagement
6 Top Tech Tools for World Language Classes - Edutopia article on how to adapt apps for speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the target language
Going the Distance: Online Learning Ideas - Online learning strategies from Creative Language Class
Transitioning to Online Learning: Pro Tips on What You Need to Know - ASCD blog article
What Teachers in China Have Learned in the Past Month - Edutopia article from an American whose classroom in Beijing is now online shares what she and her team have learned since the coronavirus hit
Tools & Tips - Pinterest Boards, Shared Documents, Websites, etc.
Formative Assessment Tools Matrix - List of online tools used in language learning for quick checks of understanding
Going Online in the Time of Corona - Collection of educational technology tools, including Adobe Connect Mobile, Body Parts for Kids, Edmodo, Flipgrid, Flipped Learning Global Initiative, and Kahoot
Going the Distance Google Site - Nicole Naditz, 2015 ACTFL Teacher of the Year, has a established a growing Google Site that houses information for World Language teachers about moving to online learning with students
Online Teaching and Learning in Languages - Collection of best practices for online teaching on a Pinterest board
Online Tools Chart - Checklist of uses for online tools used in language learning for open-ended responses
Resources for the Shift to Online/Blended Learning - Leslie Grahn, retired World Language Coordinator from MD, has created this website